Redakcja Dziennik Bałtycki ogłosiła tegoroczne nominacje do tytułu Osobowości Roku 2022. Osobowość roku to plebiscyt prowadzony w całej Polsce przez dzienniki regionalne i serwisy internetowe wydawnictwa Polska Press. Głosując można docenić działalność przedstawicieli kultury, nauki, biznesu i samorządu oraz tych, którzy działają społecznie i charytatywnie. Miło nam poinformować, że w kategorii “Działalność społeczna i charytatywna” aż dwie osoby z naszej firmy uzyskały nominację:
zarówno Prezes Firmy Pan Zbigniew Dróżdż za aktywne wsparcie różnorodnych społecznych inicjatyw, jak i Pan Kamil Gocan – Pracownik działu spedycji i jednocześnie Prezes Miasteckiego Stowarzyszenia “Bezdomny Kundelek”.

Nominowanym serdecznie gratulujemy!
Więcej informacji o Plebiscycie dostępne jest na stronie 👉…/ar/c1-17104291

Financial Director of the Year Diploma
The national competition “FINANCIAL DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR” is aimed at selecting and rewarding financial directors who achieve the best results, who are distinguished by efficiency in operating in changing economic conditions as well as professionalism and ethics. You can read more about it at:
Pomeranian Employer of the Year
Pomeranian Employer of the Year It is already a tradition that our company participates in the Pomeranian Employer of the Year competition during which we have been repeatedly prized. The competition is aimed at Pomeranian companies that have a significant contribution to the economic development of the country and the region, whose activities popularize the practices of corporate social responsibility, while being the organizers of employee-friendly workplaces.
Pomeranian Employers’ Council
The president of Franklin, Mr. Zbigniew Dróżdż, was appointed a member of the Pomeranian Employers’ Council, he is also the chairman of the branch in the Bytów district.
Diploma from the Minister of Labour
We entered a nationwide competition organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, “Creator of jobs” for small, medium and large companies. We have been awarded for our activity by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mr. Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.
Certificate of “Employers of Pomerania”
The company was approved to the group of the Employers of Pomerania organization – the largest and oldest employers’ organization operating in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The Pomeranian Employers’ organization, due to its affiliation with the Employers of the Republic of Poland, has the status of a representative organization – which means that it has a direct impact on legislation as part of public consultations and access to EU funds dedicated to representative organizations.

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